Take care of your skin daily
Motherhood, birth, adolescence: at each of these key moments in your life, you can count on our expertise and know-how to preserve your skin’s precious capital.

Motherhood, birth, adolescence: at each of these key moments in your life, you can count on our expertise and know-how to preserve your skin’s precious capital.
Baby & family care
You’re not about to compromise when it comes to caring for your skin and your family’s skin. And we’re ready to meet this challenge! In addition to offering safe and effective solutions resulting from 75 years of skin research, we show our commitment daily by paying careful attention to the health of the planet!
Dialog, parents exchanging tips, expert advice... Join the Facebook group under the heading “Eczema and atopic dermatitis in babies: let’s discuss it!”
Whether you’re an adolescent or an adult, you can count on our expertise to help treat your acne. We’ve created a range of therapeutic solutions for treating mild to severe acne.
Acne may also affect pregnant women, and pregnancy may have either a positive or a negative influence on its development.
If you have acne, consult your doctor.
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